Monday, March 21, 2011

Complaints are NOT overrated.

I'm tired. I'm tired of being tired all the time. I'm tired of being judged. I'm tired of being misused and mistreated. I'm tired of the way the media portrays a perfect person. I'm sick and tired of homework. I'm tired of being under my parents' thumb. I'm tired of the way students who have known the teacher for a while act like they own the place. I'm tired of feeling sick. I'm tired of being excluded. I'm tired of money. I'm tired of people wanting money. I'm tired of people wanting power. I'm tired of suicide. I'm tired of death. I'm tired of constant sarcasm. I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of being someone I'm not. I'm tired of living in Happy Valley. I'm tired of sleeping because, frankly, it doesn't make sense. We sleep for eight hours, doing nothing, eyes closed and snoring and we enjoy it. Weird. I'm tired of the 's' on my keyboard of my laptop missing. I'm tired of feet. I'm tired of the word freaking. I'm tired of being normal. I'm tired of broccoli. I'm tired of being blind. All the time. I'm tired of ridicule. I'm tired of sickness. I'm tired of cancer. I'm tired of disease. I'm tired of car bombings and terrorists. I'm tired of hearing about how much people spend on buying another company, when people in Asia, the Mideast, the freaking homeless people in the United States of America are dying of starvation and exposure (oops. I used freaking). I'm tired of rich people. I'm tired of superstition. I'm tired of people who aren't funny who try to be. I'm tired of snow. I'm tired of it not being spring outside. I'm tired of being in love with Heathcliff, yet hating him simultaneously. I'm tired of funerals. I'm tired of not being invited, sitting at home and watching chick flicks with my little brother. I'm tired of talking stuffed animals that don't shut up. I'm tired of being scared. I'm tired of Dr. Who. I'm tired of weeping angels. I'm tired of being lonely.


  1. Ilike the part that you said, I'm sick of how media portrays the perfect person. I am to!

  2. Fun to read. I love the simple ones (feet, broccoli, snow). And who is Heathcliff? To me he's a cartoon cat that used to have his own show. But that can't be who you're talking about. Who could hate Heathcliff?

  3. No. I dunno if you've ever read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Nelson, but Heathcliff is a character in her book. And I despise him. If you read it, you don't have to ask.

  4. Amazing! You had so many relatable lines and did a very good job wording them! Yes, I am jealous.

  5. my favorite line is "i'm tired of weeping angels" i don't know if you meant to or not but you didn't change the color of the word 'tired' so it kinda blended with the rest of the post but i loved this post, made me stop and think..

  6. really really really liked the rant on sleeping. sleep is a *freaking mystery. i hate it. you are tired of big things and small things. it good how you brought up booth. makes me jealous.

    *sorry, i'm tired of that word too.
